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Electrooptical Distance Measuring


The principle of electric distance measuring

Bild eines Distomat Di10 Z montiert auf Wild T2

The Distomat Di10 is one of the
first distance measuring devices of 1968.
If you want to use it, you need a Theodolite WILD T2
or an adapter.
In compare to newer distance measuring devices, it is very slow (max. 60 sec.),
ineccurate, big and of heavy weight.

The Distomat WILD Di1000
 advanced of the Di10, one of the younger generation.
It is of low weight and much faster(5 sec.) than the Di10.
If you want to use it, you need an optical or electronic
theodolite built by WILD-Heerbrugg
Bild eines Di1000 montiert auf Theodolite T1000
Bild eines Elta4 Tachymeters der Firma Zeiss

The total station Zeiss Elta 4
is a theodolite and a
distance measurer, too.
The measur device is located of the
axis of theodolite telescopes.