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Rods and tripods

A rod is a 2m long, plastic-, steel- or drying pitch pine- made rod, which is mostly furnished with a pike of steel, so that you can ram the rod in the ground. The rod has a circular width with a diameter of 28mm. It has a two colored paint  which varies every of 50 cm  RED/WHITE/RED/WHITE , so that you can recognize it from long distances.(Also for car drivers!!)

The rod must during surveywork always staying perpendicular (rod level). So that you can staying the rods also on the street or on paved ground , you need a tripod. On the tripod is a movly clip,so that you can take easily perpendicular the rod. The rod is wanted, of signalized and marked the corners, to determined a baseline or for lining in and marked new boundaries.   

Jennifer Buck, Jan Sturmat
VT01   27.05.2002